Treasure Hunt
Some great movies and numerous stories are told surrounding “the treasure”. It is something our kids have latched on to without really teaching them about it....we often find them digging in the dirt or in search of treasures. When I think of treasure one thing that comes to mind is and women who would do anything and go anywhere in search of the treasure their heart desires. While each of us don’t sail the seas looking for ships to rob, plunder and seek the hidden treasure, we do have more in common than you might think. Each of us has a “treasure” or a vision of the treasure we are seeking in our hearts. It gets us out of bed each day for something, maybe it’s providing for the family, caring for children, an expensive car, a dream house, a wonderful retirement......what is the treasure you’re seeking? As I (Brian) was thinking of this question I must admit the treasure that I have sought after were often from selfish desires. Things...