
Showing posts from December, 2014

Baby Hovey is a......

Well?  The news is out, and Baby Hovey is going to be a BOY!!!!! We are excited and looking forward to welcoming our new little one come April!  We have been blessed abundantly and have already been receiving some baby items for our new addition.....the shoes pictured above were from one of my students!  That makes them doubly special! Here is the progress on the baby can tell our baby BOY is growing!!! With Christmas just around the corner, we wanted to put out the reminder that the Savior of the World became one of us roughly 2,000 years ago and THAT is why we are celebrating!  It's different being in 80-90 degree weather with sunny skies for the Christmas holiday, but we are thankful that weather isn't what determines's the truth that the celebration of Jesus has come!  We wish all of you a VERY Merry Christmas, and we wanted to thank you again for your partnership with us to share this great news.....we wouldn't ...

Kinder class of 2015

 Well, school is out for the summer but not before some final pictures with most of my students!!!  We enjoyed being serious....well, kind of.....   ....and DEFINITELY enjoyed being silly!!! It seems like the semester just started, and I am encouraged at how MUCH the class progressed over the time we were together....way to go Kinder class of 2015!!!  You guys are awesome!!!

A glance at our week....

This last week has been a FULL week!  It began with a celebration of secretary's day here at the school.  The Kinder class made notes for our FABULOUS secretary, and then she invited us into her domain to see where and how she works!  The class was delighted!!!  They even were all invited to make a photo copy, which was a HUGE hit!  As you can see in the pics below, the children were just about eye level with the paper feed tray which was wonderful to watch!!!      We also had a Christmas program on Friday for the entire school......Pre-K thru 12th grade!!!  WHAT an undertaking that was!!!  There were countless hours of preparation put in by numerous staff personnel and volunteers here at SCA, but in my estimation of things, the night was a HUGE success! Here is the Kinder class dressed and waiting to perform their special number..... One of the more complicated parts of the night was a black light pres...


Buddies....we all need them!  In Kindergarten this semester, we have been paired up with the 5th/6th grade class in order to partcipate in "Buddy Reading."  Now, in the beginning of the school year, the 5th/6th graders would simply read to the Kindergartners and practice good reading skills--reading with expression, pointing to the words as they read, etc.  NOW, however, I am proud to say that the Kindergartners have been practicing their own "reading" skills with the upper grades!  We have gone through about 2/3 of the alphabet letters and sounds, and the curriculum has books specifically designed to have them practice the skills learned. It is SO fun to see them becoming indpendent readers!  Here are a couple pictures of "Buddy Reading" in action!         No matter what age level you are and no matter what your area of expertise, it is ALWAYS helpful to have an older, more experienced "Buddy" to help you along the way.  ...