What are we Building?

I have had to ask myself this question more than once this week. What ARE we building? So many things....but? The number one aim is that God gets the Glory in whatEVER we build. This week there has been construction at our house of a blacksmithing shop. It isn't finished, but it's well on its way thanks to many helping hands!!! While from the outside it seems that we are just building a structure, there is SO much more going on behind the scenes! This is Brian's classroom to teach and equip nationals with skills that, Lord willing, will serve them for a lifetime. He is building into the lives and hearts of the men that are taking the Word of God to remote places in PNG. Not only that, but do you see that little guy in the red and black hat that is in the midst of the construction? That's our son, Gunner. While Brian is working with these students on a construction project, he is also imparting to our son value and work ethic! ...