
Showing posts from November, 2018

What are we Building?

I have had to ask myself this question more than once this week.  What ARE we building?  So many things....but? The number one aim is that God gets the Glory in whatEVER we build. This week there has been construction at our house of a blacksmithing shop.  It isn't finished, but it's well on its way thanks to many helping hands!!!  While from the outside it seems that we are just building a structure, there is SO much more going on behind the scenes!  This is Brian's classroom to teach and equip nationals with skills that, Lord willing, will serve them for a lifetime.  He is building into the lives and hearts of the men that are taking the Word of God to remote places in PNG.   Not only that, but do you see that little guy in the red and black hat that is in the midst of the construction?  That's our son, Gunner.  While Brian is working with these students on a construction project, he is also imparting to our son value and work ethic! ...

A Rough Road

As of this last month I (Brian) have traveled a couple different times to the coast.  There is only one road that goes to the coast and all of the supplies travel this road.  It is called a highway.....but I would label it more as a minimum maintenance road.  It is only about 180 miles but takes at least 6 hours to travel.  It will either grow your prayer life or make you sick to your stomach with all the dodging potholes (some you don’t drive away from) and twist and turns.  My favorite part were the road signs...they are few but some will say (one lane closed) but as you get close you see one lane is not closed it’s got washed down the mountain.  There are maybe 6 or 7 bridges that are all one lane and every one is compromised in some fashion.  This road is a very difficult drive and adding to that, since it is the only road to the coast, there is a high probability of robbery and other criminal activity that takes place.  To God be t...

Childhood Dreams Revisited

This last month Brian had a week of night meetings and traveled to the coast for a week to get supplies so I (Phyllis) have had more time in the evenings.  I watched a DVD series by Laura Story entitled, "When God Doesn't Fix It."  One night the questions leading up to the session were, "When you were a child, what did you think you would "be" when you grew up?  How has God led you toward or away from that childhood sense of what your future would hold?" It didn't take me long to respond to question #1--I dreamed of being a writer or a musician.  Question #2 took more time to reflect and ponder.  After responding to the first question so quickly, there was a little time to grieve what I thought my life would look like.  However, our God is SO faithful.  God has led both towards AND away from these childhood dreams....they are in my life, but they are packaged differently than I thought they would come....gloriously different!   Writing this blo...