
Showing posts from February, 2018

Adjusting to a new normal

This week has been an great improvement over the last time we wrote!  We are all on the mend for the most part....but as we are learning sickness is pretty common for the first several months because the vast amount of new everything our bodies have to get use too in this new world.   We have started adjusting to the new everyday things.  Getting groceries, getting house hold supplies, buying fuel, keeping things clean.  Many of these thing we don’t think twice about but can be very challenging here.  There is not a one stop store we can go to, so shopping is more of a scavenger hunt going place to place to find things.  Cooking is also been an experience....our first meal we tried on our own we began to boil some rice and bugs just kept floating to the top, needless to say we lost our appetites for that meal.  We have been learning some tricks about what brands to buy and even how to fight better against our ant armies.  This does not mean we w...

We arrived in Papua New Guinea

It is to God be the glory that we have arrived in PNG!  We are very thankful for all those who prayed for us in the journey as I don’t think we would have made it otherwise.  The kids did amazing given the situation....but there were certainly times that we all had our breakdowns.   The biggest challenge was when we had a transfer in Sydney, Australia.  We had a two hour window of time to get off the plane, go through customs, pickup all our luggage....8 check bags, 6 carry on bags, a stroller, and all kinds of odds and ends.  We were a sight to be seen for sure!  As we were going through customs the agent asked if I (Brian) was healthy enough to travel because I was sweating so much.  After we cleared customs, we checked all our bags back in and went though security again we had to literally run through the airport as they were holding the bus to take us out to the airplane.  After spending 20+ hours on a plane already we were at our wits en...

The Date has been Set

The day is quickly approaching for our departure....we are all excited and a bit nervous too.  Please join us in prayer as we prepare and read all about the details in our current update letter below!   Current update letter please Click Here Some fun pictures that from that last month as well..... Moriah celebrating her birthday in her own style! Moriah's birthday cake was covered in passport stamps as she will soon be putting the miles on... What girl doesn't like trying on new cloths! Gunner was helping Dad and Grandpa get ready for a big snow. Then he needed to monitor how his equipment was working. Both kids have joined in on the packing process by trying out their backpacks!