
Showing posts from February, 2015


Security....a comfort that we like to enjoy, right?  Well, living in Santiago it is NOT something we take for granted.  Theft is common and without gates to keep us safe from break ins from outside, we would be susceptible to robbery often. One of Brian's crucial undertakings this summer has been to make the school more secure.  The whole front fence was extended almost 4 feet higher.  So Brian got to practice welding a lot because there were over 300 upright posts that were welded in.  I wanted to let you see the transformation of a gate he's been working on as of the last month.  To God be the glory, it is ready for use before school starts next week! The start of the fence raising project.... Here is the front gate at the entrance of the school.....Brian had started working on it before I got the first picture taken.  He had to secure the gate overnight, so DON'T WORRY--it doesn't look like this normally--he just had to ...

School's in Session for Phyllis

As many of you know, Chile is a Spanish speaking country.  Because Brian and I serve in an English setting, we have limped our way through the language outside of the school/ministry context.  We can survive with Google Translate and broken Spanish on our part to communicate when we have to.  Well?  Before baby boy Hovey arrives on the scene, we concluded that it would be good for me (Phyllis) to get some continuing education credits done for my MN Teaching License and also improve my Spanish  School is in session! I have been attending Tandem Santiago, Escuela de Idiomas (School of Lanuages), for the past three weeks.  The school building was formerly a home that they transformed into a learning institution.  Here is a glimpse of what it looks like from the outside....  The school sign out front....    It is a highly decorated institution that has won awards for excellence since 2003 and po...

"The BIG pour" in pictures

In our update letter that came out in January, we asked for prayer on a BIG project that Brian has undertaken this summer.....pouring sidewalks.  We thought it'd be fun to tell the story of how it went with pictures and captions!  It was a three day process, so bear with us as there are many pics....we tried to only share the highlights! DAY ONE The tools are ready...  ...The wheelbarrows are in place...  ...The forms are set for job #1--a garbage area....  ...job #2--sidewalk widening behind the school... ...job #3--sidewalk widening in front of the school...   ...The crew is partially present at 8:00 sharp!  The truck is scheduled to come at 8:30 am....  ....the crew walks to meet the truck.... 11:30 am!!! (It arrived on "Chilean" time...:0)  ...the work begins!  It is a race against time and hardening cement so these guys need to work quickly!...  ...the crew splits up.......

Still growing!!!

Well, I've had several people ask as of late about how my baby bump is here's a shot so you can kind of see......we are definitely growing!!!  I have been thinking a lot lately about all that's coming and honestly?  I don't think I'll ever be ready.....HOWEVER, one day as I was thinking on that I remembered that there really hasn't been ANY circumstance that I've ever really been READY for--God just has given grace at the moment and in the instance when it is needed.  I am trusting He will do the same with Baby Hovey.....  Speaking of the little tike, we went in for our 28 week ultrasound last week and got to see his little face!  It is much bigger in the ultrasound than in reality, but we thought we'd share the excitement.... Baby Hovey is progressing nicely--still about a week ahead size wise--but we'll take it if it means he's healthy!  We took our first birthing class last week as well.....LOTS of information but ...