
Showing posts from August, 2015

Moving Forward

Well?   We are moving forward in pursuing Christ with our lives.   It has meant a lot of letting go this last week--letting go of the temporal and pursuing the eternal.   What is REALLY going to last and what should REALLY be my priority? Allow me to explain…… Brian and I are moving forward with the sale of our first home together.   As we seek to give our all to Christ, it has included giving up the tangible dwelling to pursue a greater eternal one.   In all honesty?   It is hard and wonderful to be coming upon this new season of our lives.   Hard because there is so much to surrender at times; wonderful because Our God has asked us to, wonderful because we get to do the journey together, wonderful because we are having to live by faith as we embark on this grand adventure, wonderful…….wonderful for so many reasons! As we press forward and say good-bye to our earthly home, I can’t help but reflect on what it might have been like for our dear Savior.   I mean, HE gave up hea

New Normal

We successfully made it back to MN and have taken this last week to get a few things back to normal……a new normal.  We are still far from being settled into a routine which I (Brian) am sure Gunner will appreciated greatly soon!  Our time on the east coast this last month was one filled with great challenges, but also some really wonderful times.  We had lots of information filtered through our minds and we also were able to hear of amazing things God is up to around the world. So the question arises….what is next for the Hoveys?  Well I can tell you with first-hand experience, I would love to know!  We do know that God has called us into full-time service and that is what we are pursuing one step at a time.   As we mentioned in a previous post our plan is to take a survey trip to Papua New Guinea (PNG).  Lord willing we will be taking this trip in November of this year and will be there about 5 weeks.  This trip will be necessary to gain better insight into the ministries that a