The Pig and the Chicken

Last night we were out with some missionary friends and they shared the following story (Phyllis’ paraphrase): There was once a neighboring pig and chicken that lived in a rather unusual barnyard. Instead of only eating and sleeping, they also did a great deal of talking…..DEEP conversation. They talked about politics, philosophy, global issues, etc. One day they decided to talk about the issue of world hunger. They agreed to think about it overnight and bring their solutions to the table the next day. So, the pig slept hard and the chicken thought carefully. When the topic was broached the next day, the pig asked the chicken what his solution was. The chicken replied, “I have come up with a practical answer to the issue. We should feed the world eggs and bacon.” The pig and the chicken SAW that world hunger was an issue in the world. BUT, what made the difference is that they were willing to sacrific...