
Showing posts from August, 2014

The Pig and the Chicken

Last night we were out with some missionary friends and they shared the following story (Phyllis’ paraphrase):  There was once a neighboring pig and chicken that lived in a rather unusual barnyard.   Instead of only eating and sleeping, they also did a great deal of talking…..DEEP conversation.   They talked about politics, philosophy, global issues, etc.   One day they decided to talk about the issue of world hunger.   They agreed to think about it overnight and bring their solutions to the table the next day.   So, the pig slept hard and the chicken thought carefully.   When the topic was broached the next day, the pig asked the chicken what his solution was.   The chicken replied, “I have come up with a practical answer to the issue.   We should feed the world eggs and bacon.” The pig and the chicken SAW that world hunger was an issue in the world.   BUT, what made the difference is that they were willing to sacrific...

Two Years of Marriage!

After two years of marriage, we thought we should celebrate with a night out!  We left the apartment looking quite "dapper" (in the words of our neighbor).  We went out to eat at an Italian Restaurant that is relatively close by and enjoyed a good meal and even better company! We talked about life and direction and God and was a fun night out, but we are still seeking the Lord on what He has for us in the future.  We wanted to thank the many of you who continue to support us in our ministry here in Santiago, Chile.  Please continue to pray that God leads and directs our future as He sees best.  We want to make good on our marriage vows that said: It is You, Lord, it's You We give ourselves to and promise to follow always It is through, all our days through We'll stand up for you In all of life's joys and its pains It is You, Our Lord we will choose and choose to refuse to walk our own way We will stake our claim on t...

A couple Projects

Well I (Brian) am still on light duty work, so even though I can’t get much done tangibly I can work in other ways. I have to admit it has been pretty awesome to see how God has provided this last week though. One of the teacher aides from last year is in Santiago only for two more weeks before heading to the States and he offered to help me with projects for the rest of his time here. He has been a big blessing! We also had a couple guys help us out today. These two guys have been traveling for the last few months starting in Colombia and making their way south. Through a crazy God connection they offered to help work at the school for the day. They got their fill today digging holes and mixing concrete. It was a huge blessing for me, as I had to play supervisor and just watch...not my kind of job, but Lord willing it will be short lived. I would like to take this time to highlight a couple projects I have done it feels like I am accomplishing something. ...


As we look back this week we have so much to be thankful for…..   If we were to look at this last week through our eyes only, then it would look like a complete disaster.  We were preparing for school, had numerous projects that I (Brian) was in the middle of, we were house-sitting for missionaries, we had 3 girls just move into their house from the States to help at the school, we had responsibilities to get people places and be places, among many others.....and then?  It hit.  YET….”man makes his plans but God directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). What happened.....Brian's si de Thursday was a normal day running around like crazy. It was the first day of teacher in service, and I had my plate full. That evening I had what started like bad heartburn, but it just kept getting worse. I tried everything I could think of for relief. Finally Phyllis and I went for a walk, and I started puking.....not normal at all. Things just...

Brian's Home!!!

Just wanted to get the word out that Brian is back home and is resting!!!!  THANK YOU to the many of you praying for us during his hospitalization!!!  WHAT a blessing!  Brian will be taking this week off from everything. They have put him on a very specific diet and will need to go back into the doctors on Friday. He ended up having his gallbladder taken had over 60 stones in it!  Thankfully it was done laparoscopically so there were only 4 small insisions. There should be a complete recovery in the next few weeks. There was a few other internal issues that were observed throughout this process, but these should be able to be resolved.  While we were in the ER initially and didn't know what was going on, I was scared.  I felt helpless because I could do nothing to help Brian with the pain and had NO idea what was causing it.  I had my speculations and they were not sounding good.......In that moment of utter weakness, our...

Hovey's Hospital Visit

Brian has been in the hospital since last night (Thursday) with gall stones.  I (Phyllis) will follow up with more info on the blog hopefully later this week.  For now?  I need to get some rest.  I wanted to share a couple photos though to assure those who are praying that he is in good care.  Thank you to all who have interceded on our behalf!  The surgery to remove his gall bladder went well, and he is now resting for the night.  Thank You, Lord, for taking care of us through the help of SO many and on SO many levels!!!!!  More to come.........  Brian a couple hours after surgery. Brian's hospital room at Clinica Las Condes Brian's bathroom....clean, familiar, and functional!!!