Two Years of Marriage!

After two years of marriage, we thought we should celebrate with a night out!  We left the apartment looking quite "dapper" (in the words of our neighbor).  We went out to eat at an Italian Restaurant that is relatively close by and enjoyed a good meal and even better company!
We talked about life and direction and God and was a fun night out, but we are still seeking the Lord on what He has for us in the future.  We wanted to thank the many of you who continue to support us in our ministry here in Santiago, Chile.  Please continue to pray that God leads and directs our future as He sees best.  We want to make good on our marriage vows that said:
It is You, Lord, it's You
We give ourselves to
and promise to follow always
It is through, all our days through
We'll stand up for you
In all of life's joys and its pains
It is You, Our Lord we will choose
and choose to refuse
to walk our own way
We will stake our claim on the Pow'r of Your Name!


  1. Congratulations to you both!! May you continue to find the treasures God has for you both as you share life together!


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