
Showing posts from June, 2023

Not bad. Not better. Different.

By God’s grace and mercy, we have been in Minnesota since Thursday morning!  Yesterday, we had the privilege of fellowshipping with our sending church family.  We also got to rub shoulders with family as our niece, Makenna, had her graduation open house.  I have SO many thoughts and they are SUCH a garbled mess!  Transitional stress has hit me this trip in an intense way that I don’t recall experiencing quite like this before. What do I mean?   In Papua New Guinea our church doesn’t have power or a means to amplify volume during singing time.   We sing with just our voices from a song book of Pidgin hymns.   When worship started at church yesterday, one of my children leaned over and asked, “Why is there so much NOISE?   Why aren’t they just singing?”   Our church here in the USA has a band and a song leader and a worship team.   With all the instruments and amplification, my kiddo was on auditory overload.   It wasn’t bad.  ...