Things I did NOT expect over one year in.... -to still be struggling with language -to still be establishing friendships -to be battling for opportunities to spread the Gospel -my role would SEEM insignificant At a glance, there is nothing profound about this list. However, to me? It reflects some honesty that I wasn’t prepared for. Naively, I expected to 'get' the language easily and quickly. However, my reality is that it is hard to find time to study with two toddlers running around. And, while I am improving, language will be a LIFELONG learning endeavor. I am not one to make friends easily either. It takes me time to open my heart and share the deeper places. I can’t help but think back to my times in other places and how difficult it was as a single to establish friendships when there was more free time available. Now, as a married wife with two kiddos, I find myself investing my time within 'my own fence' and while I am...