Oh, Rats!
Sometimes we have to live and learn the hard way...and so? We begin our rat story...we are hoping and praying it is a short episode, but time will tell. Last week, Brian took a trip to Lae to get some building supplies and materials for Goroka Baptist Bible College. While he was gone, I heard noises in the kitchen. As any sensible woman would do, I went out to investigate as it was the middle of the day. What did I spy? I didn’t know for sure, but it looked hairy and alive! It was behind my stove and making racket, but it stopped when I walked in the room. Yikes! Not going to lie, I thought about it the rest of the time I was trying to lay the kiddos down for rest time. We were finishing reading Charlotte's Web by EB White, which talks about a rat, Templeton. He is so disgusting in habit that by the end of the story and after my brief sighting, I was trying to derive a plan to eradicate this creature from my home! ...