
Showing posts from March, 2020

Your Instrument of Choice

I have heard it said that your instrument of choice reflects something about your character.   I chose the cello.   I tried the piano, and I play limited guitar.   I have often wished I had stuck with piano lessons rather than cello because the piano seems more available and can be accompaniment, not just for solos or ensembles.   However, as I have thought on it as of late, I never would have made it as a pianist….I can’t multi-task for ANYTHING!!!   Hahahaha!   However, I DO see me in the cello. I do better supporting the melody rather than carrying it by myself, as a violin would.   As a mom I’m doing dishes, laundry, meal prep, etc. and while those tasks seem routine a lot of the time, they also hold the ensemble together! The song that comes to mind, when I think of me and my cello part is Pachelbel’s, Canon in D for a string quartet.   I had the privilege of playing that in an ensemble in Jr. High.   While I was tempted to cal...

Pressing on

🎶 I have decided to follow Jesus/I have decided to follow Jesus/I have decided to follow Jesus /no turning back/ NO turning back! 🎶 -?-  (emphasis added ) We have been trying to write a blog for several days here, but it is difficult to know what to say.  Is there risk?  Absolutely.  Are we going to stay? Until God directs us otherwise, YES. WHY, you may wonder?   Because Jesus Christ gave ALL to save us, and we love Him!   Papua New Guinea has caught up to the rest of the world and is in shut down mode.  All schools have shut down, flights grounded, and any ground travel not recommended.  We have been locking down the Bible College, however much of the country continues to do what they want as there is little to no enforcement.  There is a general sense that something is going on and a brew of panic as we go into any store.  Technology is not very prevalent here and most of what people hear is through word of mouth...and if yo...

When the rain comes...

Undoubtedly your last week has looked far different than you expected with the panic that is spreading across the world due to the corona virus.  We have been told there are no confirmed cases in PNG yet, but in reality there has not been testing for it either.  So as we see the news stories and information spreading it seems to be a bit of a title wave encroaching at our doorstep.  We can’t control what is coming, but we can decide what we are going to do with it....  Sometimes when it rains, it pours...literally.   You might be surprised to know that our little fellowship at Makia didn’t meet this Sunday.   It wasn’t because of the feared virus.   It wasn’t government mandated.   It wasn’t because our numbers necessitated it.   It was due to rain. There were no livestream options available to our believers.  There wasn’t another Bible believing church they could reasonably walk to.  We did try to gather, but our pop up canopy and...

At the Cross

The new front gate at Goroka Baptist Bible College 🎶 At the cross/at the cross/where I first saw the light/and the burdens of my heart rolled away/it was there by faith I received my sight/and now I am happy all the day!🎶 -Isaac Watts Sometimes we look at the cross and see it as precious.  Sometimes it looks like an instrument of torture.  Sometimes it reminds us of our sinfulness and our need for forgiveness.  Sometimes it reminds us of dark days preceding new life for us all.   Today?  For me?  I look and see a cross (literally) and it makes me smile.  Many hands have made their mark on our campus and it’s physical structures and layout.  Many have been involved in training nationals to equip them to reach the country of PNG with the Gospel.  And the cross?  It is central to us ALL!!!   While the cross was intended to divide Jesus' followers and eradicate His teachings from the temple, it brought unity and the vis...