Need a Laugh?
While teaching kindergarten can get a bad rap for being a job with 'needy' littles, I find it enjoyable! Kids truly say and do funny things quite a lot. Here are a couple examples from this year thus far…. 🦩 We were decorating our memory verse for the week, and I was encouraging the class to draw a picture of something that they like in creation because our verse was Genesis 1:31. It says, "God saw all that He had made and it was very good." One of my little gals raised her hand and asked me how I would draw a flamingo. "Well?" I began, "I think I’d probably use pink, and it would be on one leg." She quickly grabbed her pink crayon and stood up behind her desk. I nearly busted out laughing when I saw her raise one leg to produce her artwork of a flamingo! I guess my communication hadn’t been quite clear…. 🍌 🧁 Another time, while I was teaching PE class, I was taking attendance and noticed that there were two boys who had the same first...