GBBC Boys Dorm Update
It has been a while since we updated on some of the projects going on at Goroka Baptist Bible College, so I'll take some time to bring you up to speed on one of the larger projects currently going on! Many of you may remember that this has been a project we have needed to undertake for many years. All the materials had been sources, gathered at GBBC, however the covid bug wrecked our plans for volunteer work crews to put it all together. It was no surprise to God, as He had a plan and the perfect timing for everything to happen. I (Brian) worked to get everything designed, approved, ground prepared and materials purchased, but I am limit on time and knowledge to run the building project. Part of Gods perfect timing was a provision to that need. The college was able to hire an well experienced pastors who was a former GBBC graduate and is a expert builder to join our team. He continues to be a Pastor of a local church, but has graciously be...