What is church?

Have you ever thought about what is church…...most would instinctively say it’s a building, maybe a place of worship? Undoubtably your definition of what church is has been changed or restricted over the last few months. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the church as a building for public and Christian Worship. So, what happens what we can’t meet in this building…or in our case what if we don’t have a building…. does this mean the church stops or doesn’t exist? I (Brian) heard an interesting thought the other day about early Biblical leaders…..Do you think Paul asked Timothy, “Did you go to church this week?”....or Peter ask John, “What church have you been attending?” I personally don’t think so, because their definition was different than what is common today. So, what was their definition and what was the early church? To start I looked up and found the word church is used 108 times in the Bible (New Testament only). The first time th...