
Showing posts from February, 2022

Getting Older and Asking Questions

Our 100 year old Gunner! Yesterday Gunner celebrated 100 days of being in school this year!  He dressed up as a little 100 year old man to celebrate the occasion….and I might add that he played the part well!!  His acting reminded me of life’s frailty…The Bible talks about our lives as a vapor—here today and gone tomorrow (James 4:14).  It also talks in Ephesians 5:16 to “…make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil…”. What makes the days evil?  The fact that it shortens the time we have to share the Gospel!   People are dying daily and although it is often sugarcoated, the reality is that they are perishing and headed into eternity without the Lord….heartbreaking!!! Gut-wrenching!!! Unbelievably hard to swallow!!!  However, we are NOT without hope if we have  Jesus !!!   This past week I had a conversation with Gunner on the way to school.  He was sitting in the back with Moriah and seemed to be enjoying the quiet, when out ...


Moriah hard at work recording the date in her journal…. This week has been one of lots of learning!  We started Moriah working on Kindergarten school work now that she is five years old….she’s been asking about starting school since Gunner did this fall, so it’s been awhile in coming! She loves it!  She takes it very seriously……in her journal this week, she wrote that the thing she is looking forward to the most this year is reading….a girl after my own heart! Gunner dressed as a book character for a school dress up day…..Jim Elliot was his character of choice! Gunner has been learning to read more fluently and in greater volume… cool!  His big undertaking this week was there was a screen free week challenge during reading emphasis week at his school.  We will sometimes do a Friday night movie night and routinely Saturday morning cartoons, but we are past those days!   He made it!!!  SO proud of him! This was our syllable reading cla...