
Showing posts from June, 2015

San Bernardo Church Anniversary

May 2015 marked the 14th anniversary of the church that we attend here in Santiago.  We were able to be a part of the festivities and it was a joyous occasion indeed!  There were all sorts of preparations to be made including baking dozens of cookies, getting all dressed up, and completing the gift that Brian had been working on.  Take a peek at the pictures below to find out more!   Brian completed a pulpit in celebration of the occasion and here is how it turned out!  Tidbit: The top is a type of special Chilean wood that we had gotten in Southern Chile back in October.  Brian and Gunner posing for a you can tell, Gunner is a little less enthusiastic than Brian.  Gunner looking to his Dad and thinking (possibly), "Well?  Where's your tie?"  Brian and Gunner resolved the issue and decided to look at the camera....;0)  The cupcakes that the church had in honor of the day.  Each fami...