The Fonda (...similar to a fair)
They have these Fonda’s only during Dieciocho aka the Chilean Independence Day. They go on for about 4-5 day and are located all through the city and country. They are generally very large at least to us….but there are tons of different culture at these festivals. This was the transportation that was used to rescue the Miners in Chile that got trapped underground for several days while the world watched and wondered if they’d make it out alive. If you remember it was actually built by someone in the States, but the Chileans take great pride in it. As you can see, it would have been a tight squeeze for me and Brian to be rescued! There were many different traditional dance displays that varied greatly in costume and style. Here, we captured one that included dancing horses! The horses are very well trained along with their riders, so it was quite a sight to see! This is me with a friend from the school, Crysta...