
Showing posts from November, 2019

Ground Work Continued....

To Read our current update letter (Sept-Oct) please click  HERE . The last few weeks have been filled with many ups and downs as work is slowly moving forward here at GBBC.  We have several large projects going on with most of them taking place out doors.  At the beginning of these projects things got off to a good start then the rain started.....everyday.  It is a little early for rainy season to start here, but just like everywhere, the weather is unpredictable. I had the road grader go down one of our mountain roads leading down to the river and some married students houses.  The road was in very rough shape and the grader was able to get down to the bottom, but then the rain started......and the mud was the new normal. We tried each day for nearly two weeks to get the grader moved with no avail.  We even had a backhoe work for a full day and just about buried that as well.  With each day that passed the stress level was increasing as th...