Our first anniversary
As many of you know, Brian and I were married ONE YEAR AGO……on Aug. 18 th , 2012. For our FIRST anniversary, Brian and I were able to go the Gratitorio—a rotating restaurant that overlooks the city! Our waiter didn’t speak English, so we couldn’t ask for a photo of the two of us, but here I am with the city and the mountains behind me! The restaurant was 18 stories up and we were able to rotate all around the city while we enjoyed our meal! We also got to see the sun go down which was AMAZING!!!! WHAT a blessing! One of the couples we work with knew that it was our anniversary, and they graciously purchased a cake—with a wedding topper and all!—for us to celebrate! Here is a pic of Brian with our cake. It was very unique in the way that it was more like pastry layers with cream filling in between the layers…….I don’t really know how to describe it other than DELICIOUS!!! We went to the restaurant to celebrate on Saturday, but ou...