Meeting New Friends......
Now that we have been here a
little while, we thought it was time that we introduce you to some of our new
friends……there is another couple here (Joel and Meagan Williamson—on left) that
have come from PA to serve. Meagan
teaches 3rd/4th grade in the elementary school, and Joel teaches
history in the high school. Meagan
speaks Spanish well and has been in Chile before in a study abroad
program. On the right hand side in the
front is Emily Dick. She is also from
PA. She teaches Chemistry and Biology at
the high school level. The group of Easterners have noticed our
Minnesooooooootan accent. :0) It’s fun to be able to laugh with them about
our differences in talking! There are also
two other families in the apartments, but unfortunately, they are not pictured
for the time being. Our neighbors, Kipp
and Katy Crigger, have five children and are from MI. The other family’s names are Jim and Kari
Hurley, and they have two daughters.
They are from IA, so our accent isn’t QUITE as pronouced to them…..we
haven’t whipped out any IA jokes……YET.
In the other picture below,
you will meet our administrator, Rob Hagerty.
His wife, Sherry, is on the left hand side of him. She teaches art for the entire school. On his right side is a picture of their son,
Trenton. He attends school here at SCA
(Santiago Christan Academy). They all
have been extermemly hospitable and kind as we have had many adjustments to
deal with these first couple of weeks.
There is one more new friend
that I (Phyllis) just HAD to introduce to all of you. His native name is Flaming Feathers……
might also recognize him as Mr. Brian Hovey…….;0) Brian got the opportunity to speak at a men’s
event this past week. The theme for the night
was , “The Night of the Indian.” They
were supposed to dress in traditional garb, so Brian whipped out his braids,
feathers, and moccasins for the event!
There is a single shot of just Brian and then there is a group shot with
all the men that attended. This
particular event didn’t start till 8:30 or 9:00pm and wasn’t finished till well
after midnight! When they entitled it “NIGHT
of the Indian,” the organizers weren’t kidding!
Anyways, just wanted to pass along a couple of our photos……hope you all
Front Row Left to Right: Meagan Willimson, Phyllis Hovey, Emily Dick Back Row Left to Right: Joel Williamson and Brian Hovey |
From Left to Right: Sherry Hagerty, Rob Hagerty, and Trenton Hagerty |
Flaming Feathers |
Chilean Men at "The Night of the Indian" |
That's hilarious!