
Showing posts from June, 2014

Some Projects.....

There is no shortage of projects here at Santiago Christian Academy.  There are always many little things that need attention on a daily basis, but there are also many bigger projects in the works.  This takes an interesting combination of time management skill and prioritizing.  I (Brian) am the first to admit that I don't always do it very well.  By God's grace, He has allowed me the privilege to take part in sustaining and improving SCA. Flower Boxes: This project has been an ongoing one for awhile.  It was done initially as an Eagle Scout project by one of the graduating seniors (Ethan Fought).  The intention of the project was to create a seating area with flowers between the school there would be at a park or mall.  He is now finished with his part, and the project will hopefully come to a final conclusion in the next few months.  Tile was ordered today, but it ...

Kinder Spring Field Trip

  Our Kindergarten field trip this Spring was to the MIM—A   Children’s Science Museum here in Santiago.   The first step?   Getting there.   Here’s what our sweet ride looked like on the inside…..   ….a little bit fancier than a school bus, eh? Our first task, once we were there was to check in and get inside.   Here is our line up of Pre-K and Kinder kids.   I’d say we have finally started getting this concept down!  All the students, staff, and volunters wore SCA badges to help us identify our group.  They look a little blaze orange in this photo, but we wanted to be able to hunt down our crew easily! This is us traipsing to the entrance of the MIM.  It didn't appear to be anything spectacular from the outside.....but wait till you see the inside!  This was the most talked about display leading up to the trip....the bed of nails.  Yes, that is a student on there, and yes, those are my students standin...

High School Banquet

This year's theme for the Banquet was "A Night in Hollywood--Red Carpet style." It was held at the Seminary located across from the school and was complete with awards for the best actor, most classy, most quiet, etc. The Junior class did an excellent job at creating a memorable night for their soon-leaving Senior buddies!  There were also gifts that the Senior class bestowed upon the underclassmen/women--some were sentimental and some were silly. They even recognized Brian by giving him an official raise in salary.......they gave him a 'roll' of 100 dollar bills!  Too bad it was a roll of money toilet paper!  This year they even had a mustang statue--it's our school mascot.  We had a wonderful meal that was served by many of the students from the Seminary.  There were over 60 students and teachers in attendance and a good time was had by all!  Every table had "wax lips" for the guests to enjoy There were many hand...

ABC's in Kindergarten

In Kindergarten this week we have been doing achievement tests.   The testing starts with Kinder kids and goes up through 8 th grade.   The exams are designed to help the teaching staff and administration know how we can improve skills and in what areas we’re strong.   The purpose is to see where we’re at as a school and what changes need to be made to move forward.   In Kinder, there are skills such as A-B-C’s and 1-2-3’s and all sorts of other things too! In the midst of our testing, we have been taking our afternoons to prepare for an important upcoming event…..Kindergarten graduation!!!   Yipee!!!   The kids have improved by leaps and bounds, and it has been fun to reflect on their progress as they prepare to move to the next grade level.   The school year ends on July 3 rd and resumes the first week of August.   Anyways, the Kindergartners have been working on a project for graduation in which they use their bodies to make the alphabe...