
Showing posts from December, 2019

Turning a page

We had great intentions of doing a Christmas card and writing a Christmas letter...which Phyllis has written several times....however in the end I dropped the ball....literally because the end of the year is here already.  So as the year comes near to the end I would like to recap some for the events over the last few weeks and of course show progress photos. The kids all ready for our Special Christmas service at Makia.  We had a normal church service on Sunday morning and then in the afternoon we special time of a meal together and Christmas message. We tried for one of those “nice” family photos, but this was the best we got. God has opened a door for lots of preparation work to be done at Goroka Baptist Bible College these last few months.  Much of it would have normally taken many years to complete, but God’s timing is perfect. So we have been pushing very hard to complete as much as possible in the time we have been given.  Anyplace that God’s Work takes place ...

The ups and downs

Life is filled with ups and downs, times of glory and times of great sorrow.   This last week we have been reminded of both and are keenly aware of how quickly life can change and how little we really control.   God has been doing great work around us at GBBC, and we are privileged to be a part of it.   We can clearly see His hand orchestrated some amazing things as we have been able to takes steps forward with ground preparation at GBBC that would have normally taken years to accomplish.   The work is far from over however it is encouraging to see the hope and prayers of many turn into reality.   Hopefully soon I can have some before and after pictures put together for you to see.   With the reality of God's work moving forward we are reminded of the evil that lurks never to far away.      One of our 4 th year students who just finished his final class just over a week ago was brutally murdered with a machete by a family member. ...

This Season

There are seasons in everyone’s life.  In the life of missionary?  It is no different.  We grow, weather storms, grow some more, incur more opposition, and so it goes.  It is how we are designed.  Right now we are in a season of advent.  A friend and colleague of ours challenged us last year to consider the importance of knowing the story of Jesus.  My first thought was, “ I know the story of Jesus…’s why I’m on the mission field…”  However, I have been forever changed by reading the story of Jesus, one chapter at a time, day by day this past year.  As the month of December started, I resolved to read one chapter of Luke every day as a Christmas advent reading.  The story never gets old!  It seems as though every time I read it, something different stands out or something new strikes me.  I am grateful that the Word of God is “…living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of ...