This Season
There are seasons in everyone’s life. In the life of missionary? It is no different. We grow, weather storms, grow some more,
incur more opposition, and so it goes.
It is how we are designed. Right now
we are in a season of advent. A friend and
colleague of ours challenged us last year to consider the importance of knowing
the story of Jesus. My first thought was,
“I know the story of Jesus…’s why I’m on the mission field…” However, I have been forever changed by
reading the story of Jesus, one chapter at a time, day by day this past
As the month of December started, I resolved to read one
chapter of Luke every day as a Christmas advent reading. The story never gets old! It seems as though every time I read it,
something different stands out or something new strikes me. I am grateful that the Word of God is “…living
and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul
and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and
intentions of the heart“ (Heb 4:12). The
Word itself doesn’t change, but as I am immersed in it, I am changing and growing
while I read it and as I live life. WHAT
a gift!
Speaking of gifts, we put up Christmas decorations
this past week in our house. We also had
holiday visitors, which was a blessing!
Brian’s mom, Judy, came with a family friend, Sherry Segal. Judy came to have time with grandkiddos and ‘see’
our corner of the world, and Sherry came to teach an Educational Psychology class
at Goroka Baptist Bible College. We were
grateful they came. They were here for Thanksgiving
and got to participate in some of our Christmas traditions. What a joy!
Here are some of our Christmas decorations….
Moriah and our nativity this year...homemade by another missionary family....
Gunner enjoying Christmas greetings from around the world on our talking globe...
Moriah and our 'hand'-made Christmas tree sent by loved ones back in MN!!!
Our Thanksgiving crew here in PNG...
Sherry and her class...
Grandma Hovey, Brian, Phyllis, Gunner and Moriah out and about!
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