God's Word in Trials
God gets the glory ALL the time—even in our trials. The delta variant of covid continues wreaking havoc around us and in the lives and hearts of the PNG people. There are hundreds that are being reported dying each week and an unknown number that are not reported as there are not death certificates here. Everyday as we travel to town the signs of grief are in every direction. People paint their body’s and vehicles with mud to show their sorrow and loss of a loved one. This week there is a planned mass burial in the capital for hundreds as space to keep remains overflows. The hardship is real and the pain is felt, yet God continues to remain faithful! I have a dear friend and mentor here in PNG whose husband came down with the covid virus and then pneumonia. To God be the glory, there was a qualified nurse working here that was able to tend to his needs and assist. Only by God's grace did he make it through. As my friend wa...