Still Living Yet

We have really enjoyed our time of furlough as an overall picture. It has definitely had some trying moments, but Our Good God has crafted a special strain of ‘beautiful’ written in the threads and knots on this side of glory! This past month, our dear children were exposed for the first time to cemeteries here stateside. We were recently in Pennsylvania making some memories and visiting supporters, family, and ABWE personnel along the way. On our road trip, we drove past several cemeteries. Anyone who knows Gunner knows he loves a ‘punny’ joke. Now, I'm pretty sure that the humor is over his head at this juncture, but he LOVES to make people laugh. In a straight tone as we drove past one on our road trip, he commented, “Mom? Do you know that that’s a cemetery?” “Yes,” I replied. Not to be outdone, he continued… “Mom? Did you know that that’s where all the dead people live ?” It was all I could do to keep from bus...