
Showing posts from June, 2013

First day of Training

Well?   We made it through our first day of training!   We got to meet a lot of the people that we’ve been working with over the phone and through the internet……which was really nice!   It’s always good to connect faces with names.   We started out the day with testimonies from each of the couples and individuals that will be serving in short term missions this year around the world.   It was fascinating to hear how God works differently in the lives of people but brings them each to a place of obedience and surrender.   It was encouraging.   We also met some of the people that we will be serving with in Santiago, Chile.   They were all friendly, and we enjoyed interacting with them. We talked about transition stress when we initially arrive abroad, found out about ABWE’s history and founders, discussed language acquisition, different ways to communicate with people back home while we’re away, and how to invite people to couple with us o...

Leaving for PA

Today, Brian and I are headed to Harrisburg, PA to ABWE headquarters!!!   We are going to attend the AMP seminar that will give us tools and information that we need this next year as we serve under the organization.   We should arrive on Tuesday afternoon/evening, and then we will head home on Saturday morning.   We are driving by car and would appreciate your prayers for safe arrival and travel.   Brian’s health is much better this week, but still not quite 100%……we are still praying towards that end and believe that it’s right around the corner.   Thank you to the many prayers that have been lifted up on our behalf in that area! While we are in PA, we will be discussing options as to when we leave for sure for Chile and the criteria we must meet before that happens.   We should have some more information by this time next week and will do our best to communicate it to you ASAP…….we know many of you are anxious to find out those details.   ...


This week we have seen God work in AMAZING ways that bring us to our knees in praise and thanksgiving!   We have gone from 61% support to an overwhelming 74% in the course of a week and a half!   PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!   We are grateful beyond measure to each of you that have come alongside us to serve our Lord and Maker!   We couldn’t complete our call to service without your obedience and sensitivity to join the mission with us…….THANK YOU!!!!!

First Blog

Officially the first Blog…..!!!!!   The main purpose for entering blogs is to update all those that are interested in hearing about our journey towards and in Chile.   We will use it to testify to the ways that God is working in and through our lives.   Our goal is to write down a blog at least once a week if not more.   We thank each one of who is reading this!!