
Showing posts from April, 2019


Easter is a VERY special time of year for us as Christians but also for us as a family.  God Himself showed up and took care of our sin problem by carrying our sin, dying, raising and offering new life to all who will accept Him as Savior.  We celebrate with great joy because if this!  Our Makia church celebration was notably small, but it’s not about the quantity of people celebrating, its about the quality of celebration taking place!  We made rolls for the occasion and shared them with the congregation.  Brian was also able to preach about God’s solution to our sin problem.  We had a nice song service too!  While there have definitely been hiccups at our church plant, we are grateful for the opportunity to give God glory over what HE has accomplished!   Us where the Makia church meets. Brian also went up the mountain to Kenemaro to observe a sister church's first baptismal service and church membership celebration.  It was an adventure! ...

Prayers needed

This last week we have been made aware of some great needs and your prayers would be greatly appreciated!  For starters we have heard that there may be visa issues we encounter this year as foreigners.  The details are still being worked out and we are trusting that God's plan is one that cannot be thwarted regardless of the political power of the day. Second the town we are located in is without water do to money demands as much of this country is run on corruption/extortion.  This doesn’t affect us directly as our only water access is through rain water collection.  However one example we can give is the major hospital has been shut down and continues to turn people away unless absolutely necessary.  We had a teacher that went into labor and due to complications had to have a c-section.  That’s not a big deal in most of our minds, however I can’t explain the hospital conditions here and without water it is even worse.  They had to have some family br...

Easter Preparation

Are our children too little to teach about suffering?  Maybe too little to fully grasp the concept, BUT I believe if the truth is planted in them now to expect suffering, they will be better equipped with truth in their minds when their days of trials come.  What does that mean practically?  We are teaching and praying through the story of Jesus.   The reality is that Jesus suffered immensely.  The Easter story is not a fairy tale!  It speaks of deep pain, intense suffering, brutal heartache, and a Savior who endured it for the sake of you and me.  In our preparation for Easter, we have been reading a Bible story leading up to the BIG day each Sunday.  Today’s story was entitled, 'Jesus wears God’s Kingly Crown.'  Exciting, right?  Actually, it’s very sobering.  When Jesus wore a crown at this juncture, it was a crown of thorns.  It Hurt!  As I was reading to Gunner and Moriah, we got to this page.... ...where Jesus is arr...