
Showing posts from August, 2021

Water Flows

One of the many ongoing projects we have been helping with here at GBBC is trying to control the rain water flow.  Not one of those flashy and exciting projects, but one that is greatly needed.  Coming from the Midwest, I can't say I ever really understood the power of water and the damage it can cause.  Now living in a tropical place on a mountain gives me a new definition.  Thankfully there is a dry season to try to accomplish a task like this, however the window of opportunity can close at any time.  They say water is a snake here as it flows where it wants….we are trying to master that snake!   While it may not be the most exciting project, there is much we can learn from it.  Just as in life it is not a matter of if the rain comes, but rather when the rains comes.  Hardship and trials will find each one of us at some season.  Just like the rain water if we aren’t prepared for it, it will wind through every part of our lives and cause hav...

School's in session!

Today was Gunner’s first day of 1st grade in a classroom.  I think we were all a bit nervous….thankfully his teacher had a meet & greet on Friday for the students and parents.  This helped us all and assured Gunner that it was going to be ok!  He even said today “I never thought school could be so much fun!”  We pray he keeps that attitude as there are many years to come.  Hopefully he gets his mom's  love of school and not his dad’s hatred of it 😉 . He is in a small class of 5 other missionaries kids, and we are excited for the many ways he will grow.  It is also a Big change for Moriah as one of the main pillars of her world will be gone during the day.  It will take some time for her to adjust, but on the first day we had to celebrate by taking her and mom to get haircuts and donuts! Phyllis has also begun teaching a class here at the Bible College.    I think we may have mentioned before but th...