
Showing posts from May, 2021

Countdown to take off

This month has been one of pursuit, preparation, and perseverance.   We are pursuing God’s purpose for our lives. It has found us in prayer and fervently seeking that God would make His way clear....and though we have faltered, God’s steady hand has held us fast.  We have visas in passports, passports back in our hands, tickets purchased, PNG entrance approvals and we are almost packed.  As we have sought the Lord together, our Good God has confirmed that moving mountains is sometimes more arduous work than it seems at first sight. And ya know? While we have been caught up in ‘moving the mountain’ (aka getting back to PNG), we have discovered that God is less interested in the task at hand and more interested in sifting our hearts.   We have been preparing for the trip back to PNG with greater fervor.  The suitcases are scattered around our living room and dining room in organized chaos.   The digital scale has made its appearance and the weighing and repac...