
Showing posts from October, 2014

Bible Conference 2014

The chairs are set...  The stage is prepared...  The people are coming...   The vendors are ready... The speaker is animated and engaging.... ...but in the end?  It's ALL for the Greatness of Our God!!! This past week was the 2014 Bible Conference that was held at Santiago Christian Academy and put on by the neighboring Facultad (Bible Seminary). While we could wrap up the event in numbers and stats, we prefer to focus on the reason the conference happened at proclaim the Greatness of Our God! "Our God is SO big, SO strong, and SO mighty-there's NOTHING Our God canNOT do!" -children's chorus- While that truth is debatable in many circles around the globe, we believe it to be absolute. The key verse for the conference was found in Psalm 145:3, which says, "Great is the Lord , and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable" (ESV). In other words, God is TOO Great for us to wrap our minds around! ...

Volcanic Birthday

On October 12, 2014, I want all of our blog readers to know that a monumental benchmark was achieved......I left my 20's and headed courageously into my 30's!!!!  Yup!  I (Phyllis) am officially an "older" woman--just ask my hubby.  ;0)  He hasn't QUITE reached that benchmark....YET. I did one of the most DARING things I have yet to do in my life on my 30th birthday.  I traveled with Brian to see one of the most active volcanoes in Chile! It's called Villarrica, and although you can see it is snow-covered, it is STILL SMOKING!!!  This gives a more accurate portrait of how close the volcano ACTUALLY was, but let me tell you, it sure LOOKS as big as the above pictures when you are gazing up at it in REAL LIFE! Me and my man making memories! Now, as if doing something DARING wasn't enough to mark the day, Brian took me HOME for my 30th birthday too!  In this picture, I am holding my birthday gift that will go wi...

The week's happenings

This past week was FULL of activity.  It was the end of the first quarter on Friday, which is an exciting point to be at in the semester.  Half way done till Christmas vacation, half way to go! Students will get report cards sent home today, so that is an adventure for them too.  Being a part of a school that serves children from all over the globe, we have a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the globe too!  This past week we had the privilege of not only meeting, but we were entertained by a men's chorus from the state of Mississippi that has been around since 1964.  The men volunteered their time to travel the world sharing their talent, passion for music, and enthusiasm for the Lord.  They had been on a tour throughout Chile and were heading back to the States....and through one of those cool God connections, we heard about them and invited them to the school.  It was thoroughly enjoyable!...

Just a thought.....

This beautiful piece of artwork was created by Jodi Lee Gasner....a dear friend. Visit her Facebook page at Beyond will be blessed beyond belief! There is a special and wonderful bond between a mother and a child (or so I have heard).  I loved how this beautifully crafted piece of artwork captured the "heart" of the matter--that there is a connection on a heart level and body and mind between baby and momma.  It is God given and God crafted and absolutely Divine! I have been very sickly as of late, but when I was talking to our neighbor in the apartments they mentioned that God DID declare that the birthing process would be painful.  Even in our day and age of medicine, it was a part of the curse in the book of Genesis in the Bible that God said the process would be painful.  We have to trust that there is a refining process going on in the heart of the mother as she experiences the discomforts of the process.  HOWEVER, as I h...