PNG Wedding

We had the opportunity to attend our first wedding in Papua New Guinea this last weekend. I (Brian) would say, in general, weddings are occurring less and less not only in PNG but around the world. I personally believe that is because a wedding between a man and a women was created by God. It is a covenant before Him first and a commitment to each other second. When we take God out of the equation, a marriage covenant really seems less important....more of just a formality. Anyways, the wedding was for one of the teachers from the Bible college who is slightly older than us. What makes his story more unique is that he is the first born son of a chief. The culture here is very male dominant, and there is a very defined hierarchy among the villages. For a man in this position to follow Christ is very difficult as it is culturally acceptable and often encouraged to have multiple wives and live in some very bad ways. This guy however chose t...