2015 Wrap up

With much thanksgiving and rejoicing, we were able to spend our holidays this year with friends and family in the States! What a blessing! We got to have snow this year too that was right outside our doorstep....much different than observing it from a distance on the mountains in Chile. Gunner celebrated his first Christmas which was a privilege and joy to be a part of. Unfortunately, the poor little guy was sick on Christmas Eve and still under the weather on Christmas Day. He just had a runny nose and was a little out of sorts. We are happy to report though that he is back to himself. He is enjoying the gifts he got this holiday and is growing like a weed! He turned eight months right before the Christmas festivities. January is a big month for us as we will be voted on by two churches to begin receiving financial support. Please pray that God would clearly direct His people in this matter and bring unity regarding the deci...