
Showing posts from March, 2015

Baby Showers......Blessed Beyond Measure!

"There will be showers of blessings/this is the promise of love..." says the timeless hymn, and it captures the boundless truth that my heart feels this week!  Brian and I had the privilege and honor of being thrown three baby showers this past week.....we were astounded!  First, some prayer warriors from our home church in Minnesota (First Baptist Church of Waterville) conducted a month long cash shower in which they had this darling bassinet in the church foyer and gathered donations for our little guy.  What a creative and innovative idea!  It was SUCH a blessing to feel loved on by our home church even in spite of distance.......a HUGE shout out to everyone who gave, gathered, and graciously participated!!!! Here's what the display looked like....  Secondly, our church ladies here in Santiago (San Bernardo) at Iglesia Bautista Esperanza Viva threw a baby shower for us this past weekend....because it is a Spanish speaking church and my Spanis...

Bedroom rearranged!

With baby Hovey on his way in about a month or so....the bedroom required rearranging!  This is what our bedroom arrangement used to look like....  Some of the other missionary gals helped me move furniture the other day so that there was room for the bassinet and our setup was more user friendly for baby.  This is a picture of what our room looks like now that the furniture is rearranged! In order to get the full effect, I also took a pic from the opposite corner of the room.  Lastly, I thought I'd give you a glimpse at the baby bump progress!  What fun! Many of you have asked me what I do to occupy my days now that I am not in the classroom.....well, there is no shortage of work to do on the mission field!  I have subbed a time or two, helped out in the school library and other odd jobs, volunteered my time to bake goodies for various events, spent some quality time with other missionary gals seeking wisdom, as was mentioned above...

Tour of the Maternity Wing

Well with baby Hovey's up and coming arrival on the scene, this week was time to see where his first moments of life will be spent......we got to tour the maternity wing of the hospital where we will be welcoming our little guy!  As you can see in the below picture, the room is sterile and includes many modern conveniences that would be expected in a room in the States.  Fortunately, we will have our own room once baby Hovey arrives.  A normal delivery requires a three day hospital stay here in Chile.  I was surprised to hear this, but it is just normal protocol here.  This is another view of the same are able to see me and Brian a little better from this angle without the sun behind us.  The 'closet' you see to the left of me in the picture folds out into a bed and is where Brian will be able to rest.  We found out that baby Hovey stays with us primarily throughout the daytime hours, and we get to choose in the nighttime ...

The New Garbage Shed and Canopy

At the end of the last semester, it was determined that there needed to be a new place to put garbage.  With a school and apartments on campus there is a quite a bit of garbage that accumulates.  The trash collection point is now where the entrance to the new parking lot as you can imagine that is not the first thing anyone wants to see or smell when driving here is a glimpse of the work in progress...   The area was determined and the forms set. The cement was added and the base begins. The walls were then created, painted, and set in place!   The final product is not done yet as of this day, but it is coming along nicely.  This project is a product of my fellow handy man, Sam.  I am thankful to have him working along side me as the work load is great.  I also think he is grateful for the opportunity to work with wood instead of metal.  By God's grace, we get the privilege...