The New Garbage Shed and Canopy

At the end of the last semester, it was determined that there needed to be a new place to put garbage.  With a school and apartments on campus there is a quite a bit of garbage that accumulates.  The trash collection point is now where the entrance to the new parking lot as you can imagine that is not the first thing anyone wants to see or smell when driving here is a glimpse of the work in progress...
The area was determined and the forms set.
The cement was added and the base begins.
The walls were then created, painted, and set in place!

The final product is not done yet as of this day, but it is coming along nicely.  This project is a product of my fellow handy man, Sam.  I am thankful to have him working along side me as the work load is great.  I also think he is grateful for the opportunity to work with wood instead of metal.  By God's grace, we get the privilege to work for His glory each day.....even in the midst trash.
The next project was to make a new lunch area for the high school kids to eat.  The school in the past has just used the canopy tents that are purchased from a local store.  Unfortunately they are expensive and cheaply they don't last long.  So what do we do to change it??? guessed it, Metal & Cement!!

I am not very good at keeping things simple so I decided to "enhance" the look and fill the front panel with metal rings.  It took some time and patience to weld all the circles together but the end result looks nice!

This is not the finished product but getting close!  The plan is to build in seating to accommodate more students and Lord willing last longer.
