
Showing posts from July, 2013

Settling in Chile

Well, we’ve had a couple days to unpack and adjust, so we figured it was time for an update!   We were able to go up to a mountain with Sherry Hagerty (the administrator’s wife) on Monday afternoon/evening.   It was a bit of a stretch for us to go have fun when there are many things to get set up and ready to go……..but it was a great opportunity to get outside the city and see the mountains.   As you can see in the pictures, we got to see some pretty magnificent pieces of God’s creation.   We hiked up to the waterfall along with Sherry and two other gals.   We thought it would be cold up the mountain, but we were in for a surprise!   Because the sun was shining, and we were doing physical exercise, we were shedding layers like onions…..hahaha.   Today we both spent some time working.   There is MUCH to do and prepare before school starts next week.   However, we have decided to take things one day at a time and roll with it.   Bless...

Our Adventure.....

It is about 2:30 pm EST, and not only are we IN Chile, but we are unpacked and somewhat settled into our new home! Sigh. (Contented) It feels GREAT! The ABWE missionaries that are currently serving here have been SO hospitable and wonderful.....praise the Lord for that! We got into the airport last night at about 7:30pm, and it took us about an hour and a half to get our luggage, go through immigration, customs, and all that good stuff. All of our luggage was accounted for, that was another thing to be grateful for......I was a little nervous about that what with the plane changes and all. Anyways, we made it through all those transitions, and then we couldn't figure out how to use the pay phone to contact our ride! Hahaha. I laugh because there are just some things that I take for granted.......fortunately for us, there was an older gentlemen who trying to offer us a taxi ride that showed us how to use the phone. Jon Sharp came and picked us up promptly. We were able to f...

We made it!!!

So sorry to keep everyone in suspense, but we made it!!!  More to follow later today!

Canada (still stop 1)

It is currently 12:38am (EST) MAY be wondering why we are not dozing in dreamland......why a blog at this crazy hour?  Ok, for MOST people it may not be TOO far out, but for Phyllis Hovey?  It is WAY past her bedtime!!!  Hahahaha.  Well, I have good news and bad news.  Bad news first.......our flight is not leaving tonight as planned.  Bummer!  Good news second.......the aircraft personnel found problem that needed maintenance and kept us safe.  Praise The Lord!!   Ok, break in the post due to some much needed shut eye.....5 hours sleep in the last two days has not cut it but the airline put us up in a hotel for a couple hours so we are thankful.   We are scheduled to leave this morning to go to Chile.  They also gave us some food vouchers, so Brian is on that mission now.  We'll arrive tonight, Lord willing, and try and post if we can.  We have been in touch with the couple who are picking us up at the ai...

Canada (stop one)

We made it to Toronto, Canada! Things went fine on the front end of our journey.....our plane left on time and we made up 1/5th of the passengers on board!! Hahahaha. It was a smaller plane, as you can probably imagine. The nice thing was that we were able to spread out and each have two seats because the aircraft wasn't full. Brian and I both were able to rest on the flight, which was also a blessing. While we are in the airport, we thought we'd just post a quick picture and let everyone know that things are going well so far!!  Chile, here we come! 


For some of you, you may never have seen our house.   This is the back bedroom that used to be Brian’s work room/office.   The walls were completely covered; there were hats lining the upper trim; there was a desk, a bookshelf, and oh, so much more!!!!   Now?   There is little left to speak of.   I do want to point out the other wall opposite of the window though… might be surprised at what you will see…….   Hahahaha……..priorities, right? Brian and I have decided to try and “capture” our week to week posts with an image, and we thought this “deer” said it so well…………………..although we have filled our days with packing, sorting, more packing, cleaning, and all that stuff, we haven’t forgotten that which is most “dear” to us……all our friends, family, and those we love!!! As we prepare to say our “see you laters” this week, we ask that you would pray for us.   We still have a little packi...

Good Friday

Well?   The news is in!!!   Brian and I are OFFICIALLY going to Santiago, Chile and are leaving on July 25 th of this year!!!!!   AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!   I’m still in shock, but we got the confirmation yesterday and so there is NO denying it now!!!!!!!   (My exclamation points are NOT used in exaggeration)   I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!   For those of you who know me well, it will be NO problem for you to imagine how I was bouncing around the house and jumping up and down in my enthusiasm…..;0) Anyways, we just wanted to share with everyone and ask for prayers as our time now is short!   A HUGE thank you to each of you who are coupling with us and enabling us to follow our Lord in this way.   Blessings on your weekend!!!


OK, so when Brian and I initially agreed to start a blog, we thought we would update it weekly…….we HAVE been meaning to update it since Tuesday with the hope of some exciting news………and ya know?   We still don’t have our tickets (which was going to be our news) and it’s been over a week since we’ve written!   OOooops!   I guess BOTH of our plans got foiled!!!   Ah well…….STILL, we have much to be grateful for.   Here are just a few examples: ·          FBC ice cream social—Sunday evening we were able to connect with family and friends and enjoy some chilly treats on a sweltering Sunday.   We thank each one of you who attended and made it a priority to come!   We were encouraged!!! ·          Plane tickets—we were initially planning on one-way tickets to Chile due to the fact that you can only book a round trip ticket 10 months out.   We were very near purcha...

ABWE Headquarters in Pennsylvania


God’s faithfulness on the road

Brian and I are happy to report that we made it home safely from PA!   We wanted to share a little bit of our journey because it demonstrates God’s faithfulness.   We drove a rental car to PA for reliability’s sake.   The car we rented also got better gas mileage than our everyday car.   Well, we were on the road and in construction with a semi in front of us and thick traffic on our left side.   On our right side, we were up against construction barrels.   Brian was driving and I MUST say, THAT was a blessing indeed!   Why?   Because he is very calm and can weigh a situation out quickly in heavy traffic………the semi in front of us knocked one of the construction barrels over and it came back at us.   Brian’s reaction was quick while I quickly hung on for dear life and held my breath!   There was nowhere for us to go in the left lane and so we proceeded forward……straight towards the construction barrel!   I grabbed ahold of my ...