Pressing on
🎶I have decided to follow Jesus/I have decided to follow Jesus/I have decided to follow Jesus/no turning back/NO turning back!🎶 -?- (emphasis added)
We have been trying to write a blog for several days here, but it is difficult to know what to say. Is there risk? Absolutely. Are we going to stay? Until God directs us otherwise, YES.
WHY, you may wonder? Because Jesus Christ gave ALL to save us, and we love Him!
Papua New Guinea has caught up to the rest of the world and is in shut down mode. All schools have shut down, flights grounded, and any ground travel not recommended. We have been locking down the Bible College, however much of the country continues to do what they want as there is little to no enforcement. There is a general sense that something is going on and a brew of panic as we go into any store. Technology is not very prevalent here and most of what people hear is through word of mouth...and if you have ever played the telephone game you know how quickly facts can change.
I read an interesting passage of a book lately that got me thinking....
Is it a tough thing to do? Then do it. Take it up at once. Say yes to God. He will bring the very best to pass.
Is it dishonest to say yes to God when you don’t really feel like it? Is it lying to Him to say 'I’ll do Your will' when your heart tells you you really want something else?...
Those questions often troubled me. Now I see it this way. If you love someone there are many things you will do for that person because you love him—not because it’s what you’d prefer if love did not enter the picture. The fact is, love has entered the picture. Therefore, in your heart, you can be very honest when you tell him you really prefer to do what He wants, because, more than your own pleasure, you want His. When obedience to God contradicts what I think will give me pleasure, let me ask myself if I love Him. If I can say yes to that question, can’t I say yes to pleasing Him? Can’t I say yes even if it means a sacrifice? A little quiet reflection will remind me that yes to God always leads in the end to joy. We can absolutely bank on that.
-Elisabeth Elliot, Passion and Purity
The least we can do is obey His orders to press in, press on, and hold the our case, the life line to those who are perishing. HE is the answer to this global pandemic. HE alone offers true and lasting hope. If you don’t know Jesus, this is not the worst part of the story..... eternity will be.
In times of trial, it is helpful for me to spend some time remembering. My Bible margins are littered with memories and insights and dates of lessons God has taught me. Oh, how I cherish reflecting on the ways God has been faithful!
Another thing I brought out to help me remember was our family song which captures our call to missions. The link below will take you to it, if you are interested in hearing it. Our confidence remains in the Lord. Our Pastor has mentioned from the pulpit more than once, "The safest place for you to be is in the center of God's will." We believe that! Our good God is trustworthy. He will work out all things for our good and His glory!!!
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Galatians 6:9-10
So? We will continue sowing seeds and praying to the Lord of the Harvest to draw people to Himself!!!
We were able to get front sign painted.
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