At the Cross
The new front gate at Goroka Baptist Bible College |
🎶 At the cross/at the cross/where I first saw the light/and the burdens of my heart rolled away/it was there by faith I received my sight/and now I am happy all the day!🎶
-Isaac Watts
Sometimes we look at the cross and see it as precious. Sometimes it looks like an instrument of torture. Sometimes it reminds us of our sinfulness and our need for forgiveness. Sometimes it reminds us of dark days preceding new life for us all.
Today? For me? I look and see a cross (literally) and it makes me smile. Many hands have made their mark on our campus and it’s physical structures and layout. Many have been involved in training nationals to equip them to reach the country of PNG with the Gospel. And the cross? It is central to us ALL!!!
While the cross was intended to divide Jesus' followers and eradicate His teachings from the temple, it brought unity and the vision of capturing the people of the world with the transforming Words He spoke. And ya know what? It is still doing that today!! The cross is the turning point, the deciding factor. We ALL must answer the question, “What have we done with the reality of Jesus?" Have we believed in Him? Have we received Him? Have we lived our lives with His truth as our compass, or has it been something we’ve rejected?
These past two months, we have had the privilege of serving with Clinton and Bobbi Peach as additional team members here in PNG at Goroka Baptist Bible College. What a blessing it has been! They accomplished much, to the glory of God, and we are thankful for the eternal impact they’ve had! Clinton helped weld together our front gate that will make a statement to all who enter our fences that our mission and vision here at GBBC marks the message of the cross as central...vital...crucial...undeniable...and oh so much more! Bobbi helped paint it to emphasize the cross, and it looks nothing short of stunning. What makes it especially outstanding to me is that it is where we, as Christians, gather. The cross unifies as we seek to serve our Jesus! We can endure hard days if we consider that Jesus' 'hard days' were what ushered in God's glory. We can endure 'light and momentary afflictions' because Jesus modeled that daily when He embraced humanity and became one of us. When we look to the cross, it gives us hope because that was not the end of the story! It was only the beginning chapter of a global transformation!
So, dear reader, we would challenge you today to see the cross, yes, but more importantly? To let it change your life. Let it change how you live. Let its reality change you forever. It’s a decision you will never regret!!!
With any project it takes lots of prep and a group of people to accomplish the task.....
Thankfully the finished product is worth all the time and effort put forth!!
A special thanks to our friends, Clinton and Bobbi, who stepped away from their lives for two months to serve along side us in PNG. -To God be the Glory!!
Oh, praise the Lord for the great things He is doing in PNG! Love this update!