And the blind shall SEE...

As of two weeks ago tomorrow, our Gracious God spared my Mom's (Phyllis) life in a terrible car accident.  Mom's injuries included many broken bones (four vertebrae, three ribs, scapula, and collar bone) and lots of bruising.  Below is her vehicle after the crash.  What you can see in the photo is that the accident was bad.  What you CAN'T SEE is that there is good coming out of it, but truly, by God's mercy it is true!
God not only preserved mom's life, but He gave her a new life to enjoy......Gunner's.  Since mom's accident, Gunner and I have spent substantial amounts of time with her.  She told me just the other day that it has been a gift to be able to get to know her grandson.  While she can't change his diaper or feed him and do that kind of stuff, she gets to SEE him grow.....she gets to talk to him and kiss his cheeks.  She gets to SEE him.
In my mind, this is a gift for both mom AND Gunner.  Lord willing, in a couple years from now our family will be serving the Lord somewhere full time in a foreign country on the mission field.  Gunner won't get to see Grandma Thomas as much and vice versa.  While that no doubt will be a struggle, we are thankful for the time God has granted us through even trying circumstances.  Now I can SEE that God is working in and through this situation to give us ALL something.....the joys of having our son know his family.  While the whole situation has been laced with difficulty, I wouldn't trade God opening my eyes to SEE Him afresh.  I am so thankful that God still restores and gives sight to the blind!
