MOPS lesson
Recently, I (Phyllis) have joined the group MOPS. It is a group of women that encourages moms of preschoolers and young children. This week, there was a speaker who talked about the 5 different love languages. Based on Gary Chapman's book, the speaker shared that each person has a specific way that they receive or feel love best. She suggested that in order to reach your children, husband, and other treasured people in your life, it is best to know their love language and speak to them THAT way. As Brian and I prepare to parent Gunner in the years ahead, I think the information will be very beneficial. So? I thought I'd share!
Love Language #1--Physical Touch--Whether it be an embrace, a pat on the shoulder, or a kiss on the cheek, children who speak this love language feel it best when there is physical contact.
(This is me holding Gunner in an embrace....:0))
#2--Quality Time--People who speak this love language feel loved when others spend focused, attentive time with just them.
(This is Brian spending time reading Gunner a story.)
#3--Gifts--Whether it be something small like a candy bar or something more expensive like a piece of jewelry, people who speak the love language of gifts enjoy giving and receiving tangible objects.
(This is Gunner enjoying the gift of a baby bouncer from Grandma and Grandpa Hovey.)
#4--Words of Affirmation--It can be spoken or written, but people who speak the love language of affirming words enjoy praise and positive words from others.
(Here is a pic of Brian telling Gunner how cute he looks in his new over sweater.)
#5--Acts of Service--This love language is wrapped up in actions. When people are serving others in a practical or meaningful way, people who speak this language feel loved.
(This picture shows the guys working on the house project at Brian's parents.)
The neatest part about the five different love languages is that God knows them, speaks them, and made them all! It is NOT an accident that we are all different and have varied combinations of them. Lord, help us look for the ways You talk to us through our specific love languages. Thank You for meeting our needs and creating us all so differently!
Beautiful post Phyllis! You have such a wonderful way with words and express your thoughts so well. My mind always feels like such a jumble :)