While July 4 doesn’t have any significant meaning here in Papua New Guinea, it will always hold memories in our hearts. As many back in the USA take part in Independence Day celebrations, it is easy to get caught up in the fun fireworks, great barbeques, and awesome times with friends and family….all of those things we miss. To be honest, we feel a bit bummed as when we were in the USA last year for the 4th nothing took place because of the covid situation. We did get to do a bit of grilling here with our diverse team in PNG…that was enjoyable! We have been thinking about the many that made the 4th a celebration for us…..
Dying for a worthy cause is not a new idea. In fact, it’s a principle that our country was founded on. While those in the past have died for the physical freedoms we enjoy, there is a greater freedom to be had. There is a greater sacrifice that is often overlooked, but it is universal for all mankind regardless of your location. Jesus Christ, God’s Son and Our Savior, died to give us freedom for eternity. He died to give YOU freedom that far into the future also.
Our Pastor in the States has said on several occasions, “Our most important thoughts are our God thoughts.” That statement has helped us prioritize what to write about in our blog at times because there are SO many different directions that would be interesting. However, if they are not pointing our reading audience to Jesus, then we are missing the mark. We write in the hopes of testifying to God’s impact in our lives, and Lord willing, in a way that will draw your heart, dear Reader, to consider His way for yourself.
We hope each of you have a wonderful 4th of July and even if you’re not in the USA, we can celebrate another day of the GREAT freedom we have been given through Jesus!
Part of our Missionary Team that was able to gather for the 4th (one family was traveling)
While most meals on the 4th consist of brats and burgers, we were freezing broccoli this week!
This boy and his tools...the safety gear is pretty amazing too!
Hard at work trying to dig a cave....
The joyous celebration of re-leaf (relief😂) after a hard day's work!
Playing in the leaves isn’t only for kiddos with four seasons....😁 our tree looses its leaves a few times each year
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