Change my heart, O God
As I was doing my devotions with Brian last night we were reading from Romans 4:20-21.
No unbelief made him [Abraham] waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. (ESV)
Abraham was SURE of God’s promise. I wish I knew that delicate art! I confess, I’m not there....YET....I am convinced though that God is still working on me. This week has been full of ups and downs emotionally. I have been praying that God would be the stability of my heart, but I would really enjoy external encouragement at my beck and call sometimes!.....sigh. This verse however, testified that Abraham's faith had to wasn’t like he just decided to have faith and wa-bam! It was there. No. He had to learn and his faith 'grew strong as he gave glory to God.'
This Sunday in church I was given the privilege of sharing a song with the congregation. I have to confess, I was supposed to sing on Father's Day, but Father’s Day here is the first Sunday in September, not in June. Hahaha. I forgot the date change and neglected to bring my guitar and songbook last week. Thankfully, the service was flexible and I could just change the date....ack! I felt so foolish though! Since Father’s Day was already past, I thought to sing a prayer that has been the cry of my heart lately....
Change my heart, O God/Make it ever true/Change my heart, O God/May I be like You/You are the Potter/I am the Clay/Mold me and make me/This is what I pray/Change my heart, O God/Make it ever true/Change my heart, O God/May I be like You!
It starts in the heart. I can’t grow in my faith if I am hard hearted and stiff necked. Please pray that we, as a family, would remain soft and pliable in the hands of our Good God!
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