The Angels in Heaven Rejoice!!

It's not EVERY day that I sit and think about the Angels rejoicing, but last week? I am certain they were!  Why, you may wonder?  Well, let me tell you....Gunner gave his life and heart to Jesus!  Now, let me also share that he has been asking questions for weeks about what happens after we die.  He has also been asking me to read him the story about Jesus frequently in his children's Bible and when we finish?  He has asked me to read it to him again....and again!  It's been fun as well as challenging to answer his questions and gain fresh, new perspective about heavenly things.  He made the decision last week Monday on his own accord, and although I'm a little slow at sharing, it doesn't mean that there was any less rejoicing!  The Bible says plainly, "Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:10).  We, too, rejoiced and gave GOD the glory!  Gunner was so excited he was telling everyone.  We had a friend say to Gunner....."do you know there are angels in heaven rejoicing for you?"  He said, "Yup they are yelling 'Ya, Gunner good decision!!'"
It is God who draws people to Himself and we are just his servants who get to join Him in the work!  So, let me ask you, what are your thoughts on what happens after we die?  Are you ready to meet your Savior?  Feel free to message us if you have questions!
Gunner may be young yet but we are sure proud of who he is!
Gunner and Mom sharing at Sunday School the wordless book.
Gunner and Moriah got a package from family with some fun cloths!
They were out to impress everyone......mission accomplished!!


  1. Way to go Gunner! Jesus loves me this I know.... Gunner you look very handsome and Moriah you look very pretty!


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