On the Trail

This is a photo of our guide on the journey. As you can see, his horse is behind him on the left. Looks similar, huh? Thankfully, he took a MUCH slower pace and a lot more gradual incline AND decline. He spoke only Spanish, so our conversation was sparse. 
Here is Brian and his wild mustang. Does the mustang look a wee bit small? We thought so too, but our guide was confident that the horse was the right one for Brian.
Here I am. We went through two or three gate access points that are blocked off depending on weather. Thankfully, we had a warmer day and the sun was out! It was a stark contrast between the sunshine and the shade.
We made it to the top! The view was breathtaking, but the company was the best part!
On the way back down the mountain, I couldn't handle the scenery. The decline made me nervous! To peer over the edge just was too much. So, I looked down and towards the mountain side. It was a MUCH safer focal point! It reminded me of my faith journey. If I look off and out to the future, it is too much for me. It's like peering over the edge of the mountain--beautiful and breathtaking but I need something more stable and secure. If I look down and focus on the next STEP, I am able to trust Christ. He has promised to give me what I need WHEN I need it. Brian and I are choosing to follow Christ in the next step of staying on at Santiago Christian Academy an additional year. Beyond that? We are just going to keep saddling up and holding on, because it's in God's hands!!
On the way back down the mountain, we ran into THIS scenario and couldn't help but take a picture. This was a single lane mountain road, and no one was directing traffic. A semi truck met with a much smaller vehicle, and there was not much to guard either of them from going off the side! The oncoming traffic started backing up until the semi could pass by.....there were several cars following the semi and we were one of them! We made our quick escape and marveled at the little things we take for granted in the States. Yup, directors of traffic.....I'm thankful for them!
Brian was in his element going down the mountain. He was smiling and taking pictures. I wondered if I married a mountain man...... |
Now, just to be completely honest, Brian and I felt our age after our little excursion. We were sore all over! It is crazy how often we take things for granted...even those muscles we never think about. However, we are thankful for the opportunity to get to enjoy the beauty God has created all around us! We are also thankful for the special gift that was given to us to be able to do this adventure. It is amazing how God continually provides for us!
Our few days off from SCA have ended, and we are now back into the full swing of getting ready for school to start backup. Please continue to pray for us!
Wow! That seems like quite an adventure. Was this is Cajon del Maipo or somewhere further from Santiago? We are glad you two are safe and hope you had a relaxing "vacation" week.