BIG NEWS......Lifechanging

Well this week we wanted to let everyone know the Hovey’s lives are changing forever.  We are having a Baby!  Even though that may sound very exciting……and it is, but it is a little nerve racking for us.  As you can imagine we are in a different world and we don’t speak the language well so there will be plenty of challenges.  We know that God's timing is perfect though, and we are trusting in His timing over ours!  We have seen God orchestrate some pretty amazing things over the last few weeks…so there is no doubt He has a plan.  We were able to hear the heart beat this last week…so that was amazing.  The due date is towards the end of April this means Lord willing we will be having a little Chilean citizen.

Phyllis' health has been good overall, but she is experiencing morning "all day" sickness.  With feeling nausea and fatigue......I am sure you can image how much more difficult it is to teach Kindergarden.  To God be the Glory she is pushing forward one day at a time.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we venture into these new waters, so please join us in both praise and prayer for the upcoming changes.

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." – Neil Postman


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