Ministry snap shots
Ministry here can have many faces and look very different from day to day. We thought we would give some snap shots into our week. While the places, projects, and people may be different the goal remains the Glorify God!
Moriah demonstrated our feelings quite well, how much can we fit in our week!! Or in her case how can I fit in this pan..... We all have the same 24 hours each day and for us it is a constant struggle how to best manage the time.
I (Brian) was able to finish up a project that I have been working on and off on for a couple weeks. It was an all metal stair case....seems easy enough, except I have never made stairs before. It was a bit of a challenge to design it and make it work out correctly, but a good learning experience. It could have been made out of wood, however it would not of lasted long given the climate. This was made possible by a generous family in one of our supporting churches who gave us their engine driven welder. A project like this would not of been possible as the small welder that is here is very limited by the power grid. Many guys were amazed by the capabilities of this new welder that does not need to be plugged into power...... it welds and can power tools aswell! They have all kinds of ideas and ways God can be brought honor through its the projects are lining up!
The stairs are only painted in primer in this picture, but have been finished painted to match the house color.
We went as a family to a new ministry this week where the kids are in abundance and the need is desperate. There was a time of playing together with lots of fun to be had by all!
There was then a Bible story told about David and Goliath. As we sat, listened and looked around it the thought came to me that each one of these children will have their own David and Goliath story if they decide to follow Jesus. Where they live it will not be easy....during the whole lesson I was greatly distracted as intoxicated men and women were yelling and screaming at each other very close to us. It was a night of a big rugby match. This rugby match takes place in Australia and is played over the course of three games, one each week. The sad thing is many people here will spend their entire year earnings on drugs, alcohol, and gambling during this time. So watching these kids greatly enjoy the reenactment of the Bible story it is a reality they are in their own David and Goliath story and they will only win if they ask for God's help. It was encouraging to see the number of children that attended and we are praying that they continue to come!
There was many hours of studying our new language and trying to communicate it.We were able to team up with a fellow missionary couple to host a youth night between our houses. They played ping pong, had homemade pizza, snacks, and were able to hear some testimonies from acouple of the students here at the college.
We wrapped the night up with a movie!
We turned the bottom or underside of our house into a movie theater for the night. Everyone was pretty excited about it. Movies are very rare thing her and much less watching something on a big screen was lots of fun. We watched "God's not Dead" which is really why we here. We serve a Very Alive and active God. Well, there are a few snapshots of our week!
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